Traci Cornwell

Traci learned about Curaytor at NAR in 2018, it was different from anything she had heard of in her market and at the conference. 

Traci Cornwell


Traci Cornwell attended a NAR Conference in October 2018 with the hope of finding the resources, the support, and the confidence she needed to launch her own brokerage in January 2019.


But after attending session after session, every Realtor that shared their secret to success sounded the same.

One Last Session

"I thought I might actually leave early because I'm not gaining anything from it," Traci said. "Right before I did that though, there was something on the agenda that said something like Curaytor Systems, Jimmy and Chris are doing a session. I said, 'I'm gonna hit this before I decide to head out.' That changed everything for me."

Curaytor was different from anything she had heard of in her market and at the conference. 

"[Chris and Jimmy] excited me. I realized this is what I need if I'm going out on my own."

With the dream of starting her own brokerage on the line, she signed up with Curaytor on the spot.

"If I wanted to be legitimate, I was going to need someone backing me," she said. "I was totally going into it not knowing what I didn't know. So I needed something that was going to legitimize me. Elevate me."

Here's Cornwell Real Estate's growth, at a glance.

Immediate Impact

She started to feel the effects of Curaytor immediately.

"I got immediate traction, reaction, and momentum right out of the gate with Curaytor and the branding side of what I was starting."

"As soon as I launched my brokerage, I had the website, I had all of this stuff that when I made that exciting announcement, people were able to click through my Instagram, my website, the blogs, things like that," she explained. "I got immediate traction, reaction, and momentum right out of the gate with Curaytor and the branding side of what I was starting."

Every Curaytor client gets a website, weekly marketing plan, email marketing tool, and exclusive access to the Curaytor Community. Because of all that we do for our clients on the backend – writing and designing weekly blog posts, social posts, emails – Traci can focus on doing what she loves: working with her clients.

"My business wouldn't be where it is without Curaytor," she explained. "It really creates a confidence builder for my team and myself. I just feel like it elevates who we are and we don't have to do all the work behind-the-scenes. We actually get to do our job."

Because of Curaytor, Traci can focus on building her team, her way.

Growth Spurt

"When I first started with Curaytor it was just me. Solo agent. Solo brokerage. Now I have three full time agents and one assistant," she said. "We're looking to bring on another staff member and another agent. I'm not really looking for some massive team. I really want a small, 5-8 person team."

Growing her team isn't the only shift she's made since partnering with Curaytor. Our consistent listing-first focus has allowed Traci to evolve as a buyer's agent into a listing agent. “This has been the biggest shift in my business since joining Curaytor.” She’s now working with half as many buyers and twice as many sellers as she did before partnering with Curaytor. 

"When I have to sell myself, I show our beautiful marketing material, our videos, our professional photography – everything that we do differently. Usually if they've already interviewed someone else, I immediately stand out."

This wasn't always the case.

"As an agent before joining Curaytor, I was very mediocre. Just like a lot of agents in my market," she said. "I was not doing anything outside the box or being creative. It's not because I'm not creative, it's because I didn't know where to look and where to have access to this ecosystem of people that are doing amazing things."

The Seller Blitz

But when she joined our community and participated in the Seller Blitz, it ignited her creative side. She was immediately inspired by other agents executing our innovative marketing strategies that made her realize, "Oh I could do this, too."

Participating in the Seller Blitz has had a profound impact on her bottom line.

With the assistance of Curaytor's community, seller-centric content and strategies, and help with building her brand, Traci is attracting more than enough clients to fuel her business growth that she's cutting ties with other sources.

"I've always paid for and Zillow leads," she explained. "But I'm going to be letting go of that because of the growth with referrals and past clients and my brand recognition. I never thought I would let go of that, but now I don't need them."

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Traci Cornwell