Tami Stough

Tami used to be in a rut. But joining Curaytor helped her completely reinvent her business—and her life.

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Tami Stough


Tami used to be in a rut.
But joining Curaytor helped her completely reinvent her business—and her life.


Getting Out of a Business Rut

Having joined an independent firm way back in 2005, Tami certainly wasn’t new to the real estate world. But even though her hard work over the years had brought some success, she simply wasn’t where she wanted to be.

Tami wanted more from her business, but she didn’t know how to achieve it. 

“I knew that I was never going to get where I wanted to be unless I made some dramatic steps. It wasn’t going to happen doing some minor program that I wasn’t fully invested in,” admitted Tami. “I needed to make a serious investment and a change in the way I ran my business, and I needed to be energized and motivated by people far more successful than me”.

“I needed to be energized and motivated by people far more successful than me”

Curaytor Community

Recognizing she had maxed out what she could do on her own, Tami began researching what her options were. 

At last, Tami found Curaytor in 2017. The effects were nothing sort of life-changing. 

“The way that Curaytor challenged everything for me—the way I ran my business, even my mindset—is tough to quantify unless you’ve experienced it,” she said. “I 100% directly attribute the best listings I’ve had in my career to the advice I got from the Curaytor community.”

Not only did joining Curaytor give her a wealth of practical advice, it completely reinvented how Tami saw the world. Noted Tami, “It totally changed my mindset going into the appointment. I felt it: the way I walked in, the way I conducted myself in the appointment—it was all a complete turnaround because of the practical, tangible advice and the encouragement I got from the Curaytor community.”

“Sometimes you don’t know what’s possible or what you could be doing because you haven’t seen it—you haven’t seen other people do it,” said Tami. “I hadn’t seen it in my small brokerage that I was at or the people who I surrounded myself with. It was just an old-school mentality of how to do things.

The Curaytor community finally helped Tami grow in the way she had been longing for but didn't know how.

Continuous Growth

“Curaytor helped me examine myself like never before: how I present myself, how I present my business, how I think about prospecting and maintaining relationships. And that’s what I needed—an all-in, high-end investment to make that shift,” she noted.

Those shifts from Curaytor in both her practical approach and her mindset quickly paid off for Tami: she went from doing roughly $8 million before Curaytor to $12 million the year after, then $16 million the following year, and last year $21 million. “And I’m probably doing about 1/10th of what I paid for,” she admitted.

What Tami especially benefited from was how the Curaytor community helped her where she personally needed it most.

“Where I always struggled—and where other companies don’t place enough emphasis—is on maintaining your client relationships throughout the transaction. It’s not just about acquiring them,” she said. “And Curaytor helped me be on top of my game in that middle phase, where I needed help the most. The way my process flows for me has been a game changer—my clients just love my content that I put out, and I never would have thought or known of any of that.”

“Curaytor helped me be on top of my game in that middle phase, where I needed help the most”

Referral Pipeline

Another unexpected benefit from Curaytor is how she’s been able to create referral income. Said Tami, “I’ve sold a number of referrals from my Curaytor friends. In fact, last year I sold a $780,000 house that was a referral, and I just listed a house yesterday for a $745,000 house that’s a referral from a Curaytor bud. There’s been several million dollars worth of generated business just from my Curaytor buds.”

Not only has Curaytor helped Tami become more profitable, it’s also made her life significantly more manageable. As her husband struggles with his health, she’s been able to tailor her business to support what she needs in life.

Tami fought back tears as she reflected on what Curaytor has meant for her, “It was beyond a marketing experience—it was something transformational, being around successful people with such a high level of integrity. I can remember Jimmy talking about a top producing agent whose wife had breast cancer, and real estate paid for her medicine. Real estate is providing possibilities. And it’s been so interesting to hear how people struggle with issues in life, but feeling like we’re all in this together, succeeding with integrity and grace.”

Find Tami online at her website Edgewater Home Team.

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