Janell Stuckwisch

In 2018 Janell Stuckwisch added Curaytor to her marketing plan. “My volume jumped from 15-17 million to 25 million and we’ll probably close with 36-37 million this year.” By building her brand, 80% of Janell's business comes from referrals and repeat customers.

Janell Stuckwisch

Janell's Growth with Curaytor


Many of the very best agents prioritize what is most important in their lives. Janell Stuckwisch realized she didn't want to get on a plane every day for business, instead, she wanted to spend more time at home. “I want to be able to put my daughter on the school bus in the morning.” At the very heart of it, she admits, that’s what started it all.


As a second-generation real estate agent, her Mom told her not to get her real estate license because “the business will chew you up and spit you out.” She wanted Janell to work and travel and see the world. It turns out it was good advice.

After a 20-year career as a retail buyer, Janell’s selling and negotiating skills served her well. In her first year in 2008, she sold 40 houses and never looked back. “I will list and sell as many houses this year as I have in the past two years when other agents are dropping.”

How Did You Come to Curaytor?

Funny story. One of her trusted friends tells her one day, “Your website stinks.” She tells Janell she has an agent in California that she just loves. Curious, Janell pulled up the agent’s website, loved it, and saw that it was “powered by Curaytor.” This was a particularly profound moment for her because she had already decided to focus on her marketing to continue growing her business.

It was June of 2017 and Janell had changed brokerages. "I'm not playing around anymore," she said to herself. She wanted to become the premier agent in northern Kentucky and set out to do just that. All signs were pointing to Curaytor. She heard yet another recommendation and decided to go for it.

The idea of building her brand and presence online was immediately compelling. She wanted to link her website to her social media and make the process more interactive for clients. She even got one of her early clients because the client said she liked the website. It all comes full circle.

I’m so busy now, Janell explains, that the most attractive feature is the easy execution. I tell myself, “Don’t overthink it, just do it - spend one hour every morning and just do it.” She says she got so many responses from one Curaytor email she sent out, that she was shocked.

Janell remembers the initial money commitment was intimidating but says it has paid off 20 times…30 times? ”If I had known then what I know now, I wouldn't have even questioned it. I would've just done it. You have to embrace it and go for it."

Advice for new agents?

There are A LOT of agents out there. Agents can’t survive in this market. If you don't have any marketing or selling skills you’re out! Forget it! You’re done!

In 2018 Janell Stuckwisch added Curaytor to her marketing plan. “My volume jumped from 15-17 million to 25 million and we’ll probably close with 36-37 million this year.” By building her brand, 80% of Janell's business comes from referrals and repeat customers.

When it comes to marketing, she adds, “don't worry about the cost, worry about how you're going to maximize the opportunity.” The bottom line is that if you don’t have marketing skills you’ll die in this business. Her best advice: “If you do what Curaytor suggests, you’re going to be successful no matter what.”

How Did You Achieve Your Success?

Janell credits her success to building a team and extending her reach. She went from a sole agent in 2008 to have six people working with her, one of whom focuses on her social media.

In terms of her business, her percentage of buyers versus sellers is pretty much equal and her market share has increased significantly. She’s on schedule to crush last year’s earnings.

How does she do it? Consistent communication with all of her clients, past and present. “I’m always available.” But, in addition to being available, perhaps her greatest superpower is that she helps solve problems for her clients. They TRUST her completely. You can’t put a price tag on trust.

She recalls some clients will call 10-12 years later asking about roofing or painting. The fact that they feel comfortable calling is directly attributable to her consistently deploying Curaytor marketing strategies.

I’ve demonstrated year after year that I have my client’s best interests at heart, she says. In one example, 24 transactions could be linked back to one initial client she sold a home to many years earlier. Having 80% of her business coming from referrals and return customers is a testament to her amazing branding and marketing success.

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Janell Stuckwisch