Chad Nash

Some say you have to slowly crawl your way to the top. Thanks to help from Curaytor Marketer, Dr Chad Nash has proven them wrong. 

Chad Nash


Some say you have to slowly crawl your way to the top.
Thanks to help from Curaytor Marketer, Dr Chad Nash has proven them wrong. 


The Real Estate Doctor

Time is money to Chad. Consequently, he doesn’t believe in slowly figuring out what works and what doesn’t.

So it’s no surprise that Dr Chad Nash (known as “The Real Estate Doctor”) didn’t waste a minute building his team of 17 agents into one of the most successful agencies in Denver—all in only 3.5 years. His secret? Make the best use of time. And Curaytor Marketer is one of the biggest ways he’s been able to do that.

Having the right marketing systems in place has saved Chad huge amounts of time, letting him work smarter and not harder to achieve success. 

“For me, it was about capacity. I’m the marketer for both myself and the team, so I was looking for something that would make marketing more streamlined and efficient”, Chad said. “What I found with Curaytor Marketer is that you could just set it and forget it—you just talk with your marketer and get great content, branded just for you.”

“What I found with Curaytor Marketer is that you could just set it and forget it”

Brand is Everything

The Curaytor marketing plan gave him exactly what he needed. “It lets me grow my brand without having to create a lot of content every day or every week. I was focused on brand generation, making our website look more personable. And that’s exactly what they did for me,” Chad said.

Having his brand come through on his website and content has let Chad attract the right people.

“Our agency isn’t the type that cold calls or takes a sales approach” said Chad. “Instead, we’re big on what we call ‘brand management’ and ‘brand generation’, and that’s the biggest value ad from Curaytor Marketer—it lets us attract the people that want to work with us, instead of spending time chasing them down.”

Because Curaytor Marketer let Chad’s agency generate content that attracts the right people, they now had plenty of their most valuable asset: time. 

“Curaytor Marketer lets me create something in five minutes. Being able to track an email blast or other things that go out and see what people are opening is super helpful—it lets us hone in on who’s reading what. It gets people to basically raise their hands for us and say, ‘I like your website and your content, we can see that you’re who we want to work with for our real estate transactions’.” said Chad. 

“It gets people to basically raise their hands for us and say, ‘I like your website and your content, we can see that you’re who we want to work with’”

To put Curaytor Marketer’s power to use, Chad uses it to plan out his marketing strategy for the week. “I write out my calendar around what Curaytor Marketer’s posting for the week. They write out the content, and I just re-share it, framed for my brand”, he said. “Then it almost becomes automated, instead of spending two hours a day creating it myself.”

Time Saved with Curaytor Marketer

What does Chad’s team do with all of the time they save from Curaytor Marketer? They put it to use on what matters most to any successful real estate agency: engaging with clients. 

“If we’re spending all of our time trying to come up with topics for content, writing it, etc, then we’re not helping our business by personally helping our clients,” he said. “But thanks to how easy Curaytor Marketer makes things, we’re freed up from that to give them exceptional service.”

And with $70 million in total sales since 2018, Dr Chad Nash’s team is clearly reaping the benefits of having the time to personally care for their clients.

But even though he has already achieved a great deal of success in such a short time, Chad’s not planning on plateauing. “As my team continues to grow,” commented Chad, “we’re starting to talk about being able to further capitalize on all of these online leads that come in from our content. We’re looking forward to more actively engaging these leads that come in from these articles and content. It’s pretty exciting”.

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