Agent Resources

August 9, 2022

32 Minutes Read

The Complete Guide To Real Estate YouTube Advertising in 2022


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So you want to create a video of your product or service and want the entire world to see it?

And what's a better platform than the king of videos, YouTube, to increase its reach?

YouTube has approximately two billion monthly visitors watching 250 million hours of video per day on TV screens.

It's not surprising that YouTube is the favored choice for many businesses to advertise.

Now let's be upfront: with various YouTube ad formats, the platform may sound a little daunting at first.

But don't worry…

You don't need a YouTube video ad course to learn how to create ads and generate revenue.

In this article, we'll walk you through:

  • ✅ What is YouTube advertising?
  • ✅ Different types of YouTube ads available
  • ✅ How do various ads work?
  • ✅ Which ads are suitable for your business?
  • ✅ How to set up and configure your first YouTube advertising campaign.

Be confident that spending a little time learning the basics will build a strong foundation for better ROI later.

What is YouTube Advertising?

YouTube advertising is about advertising video or non-video content on YouTube to increase your brand’s awareness, building an engaged audience, and generating leads. The ad can be a video playing before a user watches another video, a video ad shows up on YouTube search results, or a banner ad appears during the video.

How much does YouTube advertising cost?

First of all, it's important to notice how you are paying for your ad. If viewers watch your entire ad, you will pay for views. Or, if they click on your ad, you will pay for the click. Payment depends upon the type of ad you create.

Generally, YouTube video ads cost around $0.10 to $0.30 per click. It's not a standard price, but the common rate marketers pay for YouTube advertisements.

The cost will differ based upon a few factors, including:

  • Ad Format
  • Bidding
  • Budget
  • Goals

Suppose you choose YouTube Discovery ads costing around $0.30 per click. You enter the maximum bid to be $0.35 per click, and a competitor's bid is only $0.25 per click. You will pay no more than $0.26 per click, and it's still within your $0.35 maximum bid.

Most YouTube advertisers start with a minimum of $10 per day and adjust the amount as they progress on what works and what doesn't. Or you can also go for the total amount you want to pay for the entire campaign (until your campaign is live).

Note: It's necessary to set a maximum amount you can afford if you don't want to run out of campaign budget.

Types of YouTube Ads

Before setting up your first campaign, it’s essential to understand the ins and outs of each YouTube ad type. That way, you can customize your ad for the goal you want to achieve.

Without further ado, let’s break down each ad type.

YouTube Video Ads

Skippable In-Stream Video Ads

Skippable in-stream ads are the video ads that play before or during, or after the main video (a.k.a. “pre-roll” or “mid-roll” or “post-roll”). Its prime feature is once viewers watch five seconds of the ad, they get the option to skip the ad or continue watching.

For instance, have a look at the below-given image of a skippable in-stream ad. The right side shows a 5-second countdown, after which you can skip the ad.  On the left, it shows how long the ad is (1:26 seconds, in this case).

At the same time, a sign-up CTA of the same ad appears at the top right corner of the display as a companion banner. A video overlay is also showing up in the bottom left. The companion banner stays there even if the viewer skips the ad.

How will I be charged?

Skippable in-stream video ads

  1. CPV (cost-per-view) bidding where you pay per view. With skippable ads, you only pay when a person watches the first 30 seconds (or the entire ad if it's shorter than 30 seconds) or if they interact with the ad by clicking on a call-to-action. Whatever comes first. It means you don't have to pay for anyone who views your ad for less than 30 seconds and skips it without interacting.
  2. Target CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions) bidding where you pay per one thousand views (impressions) on ads. Here you specify the average amount you want to spend for every thousand times your ad is presented.
  3. Target CPA (cost-per-action or maximize conversion) bidding where you only pay when the ad achieves conversions. You can decide what a conversion is. It can be acquiring email addresses or a sale.

Where does your ad appear?

Skippable in-stream video ads

  • YouTube watch pages - the current YouTube video page a person is watching
  • Across websites
  • Apps running on Google video partners like game consoles

Ad Specifications

  • Supported file format: AVI, MP4, MPEG, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels or 480 x 360 pixels
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
  • File size: 1 GB (max)
  • Length: 12 seconds to 3 minutes (recommended)

Note: There’s no limit to skippable video ad length.

When do you need this type of ad?

Skippable video ads are best to generate leads, boost sales or increase brand exposure. Let's say you are launching a webinar and want your targeted audience to sign up for it. You can create a skippable video with a link to your sign-up page. Make sure you specify your targeted audience. This way, the ad will show up to your targeted audience. Those who are not interested will skip the ad before 30 seconds. So you don't have to pay for wasted views.

You can also use this type of ad to drive more subscribers to your YouTube channel.

2. Non-skippable In-stream Video Ads

Since reports show that 76% of people skip the ads as their second nature, some marketers go for ads with a skip button called non-skippable in-stream video ads.

Non-skippable ads, as the name suggests, are short video ads playing before, during, or after the main video. Unlike skippable videos, viewers don't have the "skip ad" option here. These ads run for a short duration, around 15-20 seconds, enabling you to deliver your entire message. They are similar to advertisements you watch on television.

Of course, non-skippable ads indicate maximum customers watching your video. But this also implies that you will pay for everyone who is or isn’t interested in your ad. As an advertiser, it’s your responsibility to create engaging, relevant content leaving a positive impression of your brand on viewers.

How will I be charged?

Non-skippable ads follow the target CPM (cost per thousand impressions) bidding method. It allows you to set the amount you are willing to pay for every thousand times your ad shows up.

Ad Specification

  • Supported file format: AVI, MP4, MPEG, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels or 480 x 360 pixels
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
  • File size: 1 GB (max)
  • Length: 15 secs (min), 20 secs (max)

When does your ad appear?

Non-skippable ads appear on:

  • YouTube videos
  • Video partner sites and apps on the Google display network.
  • Desktop, mobile devices, TV, and game consoles

When do you need this type of ad?

As viewers can’t skip the ad, you can use it to increase brand awareness and reach. Also, since the ads are short, it makes it easier for viewers to see the entire video.

3. Bumper Ads

Bumper ads are 6-second (or shorter), non-skippable video ads playing before, during, or after the main YouTube video. Viewers can’t skip this ad. Again, it means you will pay for each view.

If a six-second video sounds too short to create an influence, think again.

“Google analyzed 300 bumper ad campaigns and found that 9 out of 10 steered a huge lift in ad recall.”

Source: Think with Google

You can run bumper ads as standalone campaigns, but Google advises combining them with TrueView Ads (i.e., with skippable ads and discovery ads) to make them more fruitful. For instance, run skippable ads for first-time viewers and then run bumper ads for the same viewers to increase frequency.

How will I be charged?

Similar to non-skippable ads, bumper ads use Target CPM bidding. So you will pay per 1,000 impressions.

Ad Specification

  • Supported File format: AVI, MP4, MPEG, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels or 480 x 360 pixels
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
  • File size: 1 GB (max)
  • Length: 16 secs (max)

When does your ad appear?

Bumper ads appear on:

  • YouTube videos
  • Across Google video partners’ websites and apps
  • Desktop, mobile devices, TV, and game consoles

When do you need this type of ad?

Since you are paying for every view and have only 6-seconds to allure viewers, you can use this type of ad to reach a wider audience with a concise yet unforgettable message. Bumper ads are also an excellent option for various brand awareness efforts like event promotion or brand reach.

4. Video Discovery Ads (Previously Named as In-Display Ads)

Video discovery ads (popularly known as TrueView Discovery Ads) are ads showing up as a thumbnail with title and description on the YouTube search results pages or along with related videos. They look like regular videos and appear after searching on YouTube.

For example, Laricy Social has a 47-second discovery ad that appears at the top when users type relevant keywords:

When interested viewers click on the ad, they land on your video page or YouTube channel.

Where in-stream ads run like a traditional TV commercial, discovery ads are similar to those on Google’s search results pages.

The fundamental difference between discovery ads and organic YouTube results is the tiny “ad” tag accompanying each ad. So if your discovery ads blend well with the organic results, people can click it instead.

How will I get charged?

Discovery ads follow the cost-per-view bidding model where you only pay when visitors click on your discovery ad thumbnail.

Ad Specification

  • Platform: Desktop and mobile
  • Supported file format: MP4, MPEG, AVI, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels or 480 x 360 pixels (recommended)
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
  • File size: 1 GB (max)

When does your ad appear?

Video discovery ads appear on:

  • YouTube search results
  • Alongside relevant YouTube videos on watch pages
  • YouTube mobile homepage
  • YouTube Mobile Search Page
  • YouTube Mobile watch pages

When do you need this type of ad?

Discovery ads are helpful to promote YouTube videos at the top of search results. It not only drives more views on your videos but also boosts the traffic to your YouTube channel. The ads are particularly beneficial to rank your videos on the top and stay ahead of your competitors. But of course, you can only promote your videos. No link to your website or anything else.

5. Outstream ads

Outstream videos are mobile-only, appearing outside of YouTube—on partner sites and apps—playing either in an app or within the page's content. They play automatically on mute when they show up on the screen. Viewers can unmute them by clicking on the speaker icon.

Outstream ads are created especially for mobiles and tablets. So, users have the freedom to watch your ad. They can quickly scroll past your ad to continue with the app content.

How will I get charged?

Outstream ads offer a viewable cost-per-thousand-impressions (vCPM) model. It means you’ll only pay if your ad is viewed. An ad counts as “viewed” when someone watches your video play for two seconds or more.

Ad Specification

  • Platform: Mobile and tablets
  • Supported file format: MP4, MPEG, AVI, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels or 480 x 360 pixels (recommended)
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
  • File size: 1 GB (max)

Specification for logo image:

  • Supported Format: JPG, GIF, or PNG
  • Aspect ratio: 200 x 200 pixels (square with transparent background recommended)

When does your ad appear?

Outstream ads appear on:

  • Google video partner apps
  • Mobile websites
  • Tablet devices

When do you need this type of ad?

These ads are helpful to raise brand awareness by getting your videos in front of people using handy devices like smartphones and tablets.

Non-Video Ads

6. Display Ads

YouTube also provides non-video ads for brands that don’t want to fork over a massive amount of money. The first one is display ads.

Display ads are desktop-only ads that appear as images or animation on the top right corner of the screen while a YouTube video is playing. Or, if you are playing videos on a larger screen, this ad type might show up below the video. It always appears on top of the recommended videos.

This ad consists of an image, text, and a clickable button. You can link this ad to your YouTube channel or a website.

Unlike video ads, there’s no time limit for the display ad. It remains there as long as the viewers watch the video.

How will I get charged?

Display ads charge you on a cost-per-click basis. This means you will pay only when someone clicks the ad.

Ad Specification

Image Dimensions:

  • 300 X 250 pixels
  • 300 x 60 pixels (YouTube Reserve companions)
  • 300 x 600 pixels (Zagat only)

Supported Formats: GIF, JPG, PNG

File Size: 150KB (max)

Animation Time Limit: 30 secs (max)

Audio: no sound support

Border: partly black or white backgrounds must have a border with contrasting colors

When does your ad appear?

Display ads appear on:

  • Various Google properties
  • All parts of the YouTube site except the Homepage
  • All parts of the Zagat site as top and bottom unit

Who needs this type of ad?

Since it’s a regular banner ad, you can use display ads for different goals like lead generation, sales increase, brand exposure, etc.

7. Overlay ads

Overlay ads are desktop-only image or text-based ads that pop up on the lower 20% portion of the currently playing YouTube video. They serve as a banner ad. You can also choose a semi-transparent overlay ad or an animation ad format.

Overlay ads sound similar to display ads, but of course, they appear on top of the video instead of taking a corner. Therefore, it attracts more attention from viewers. At the same time, the attention can be positive or negative as viewers can close this ad if they find it disturbing their watching experience.

If viewers click the ad, they will redirect to the destination URL.

How will I get charged?

You pay on the cost-per-click basis for this ad, i.e., you only pay when viewers click the overlay ad.

Ad Specification

  • Image Dimension: 300 X 250 pixels
  • File type: static GIF, PNG, JPG
  • File size: 150KB
  • Animation Time Limit: 30 secs (max)

When does your ad appear?

The ad appears only on the desktop as an overlay on the bottom of the YouTube video.

Who needs this type of ad?

Overlay ads, like banner ads, are ideal for product promotion instead of sharing bits of content. So you can use them to generate leads, sales, and brand exposure.

8. Sponsored Cards

Sponsored Cards are YouTube's ad feature presented as product cards relevant to the video a user is watching. First, the sponsored card appears as a quick "teaser.” After a few seconds, a card icon with a small 'i' symbol replaces the teaser. The icon sits at the upper right-hand corner throughout the entire video. It gives users the choice to click and expand the cards for more information about the sponsored content.

Let’s say I’d love to know more about the real estate industry. When I hover my mouse over the icon and click on the little ‘i’, sponsored cards would pop up, directing me to videos to receive more information from experts.

Sponsored cards lets you offer relevant products or videos in a user-friendly sidebar. There you have a better opportunity to engage users and encourage them to explore the product or service without disturbing their video experience.

Additionally, by giving users one-click access to your product or service, you minimize the chance of losing them during the buying process, making it faster and simpler to make a purchase.

How will I get charged?

You will be charged as per cost-per-view (CPV) model, where you pay for video views or interactions like click to sponsored cards.

Ad Specification

  • Platform: Desktop and mobile devices
  • Media: image
  • Format: JPG, PNG, GIF
  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1
  • Length: 15 or 20 seconds
  • File Size: 2MB max

When does your ad appear?

They appear on:

  • Desktop when a video is played
  • Desktop Search results
  • YouTube’s mobile homepage
  • Mobile search results

Who needs this type of ad?

Sponsored cards are a great way to promote the products, services, videos, or even a video playlist within a video. They are most beneficial when submitted with your videos because you can then use them to promote your product or services.

Premium Ads

9. Masthead ads

YouTube masthead ads are the ads displayed at the top of the YouTube home feed, both on desktop and mobile. These ads are usually booked by one advertiser per country per day. That’s why we named it a premium type of YouTube video ad.

Masthead ads autoplay the featured video without the sound. Viewers can click the mute icon to hear the video sound. Once the autoplay finishes, the primary video takes the form of a thumbnail. If the viewers click on the video or the thumbnail, they redirect to the YouTube watch page where the same video plays again.

The Masthead ad contains an information panel to the right side that automatically picks up assets from your channel, as seen in the above image. Alternatively, you can add up to 2 companion videos to this panel.

Note: Masthead ad doesn’t allow a CTA on TV screens.

In YouTube mobile, Masthead ads autoplay the featured video without the sound for the entire duration. You don’t have the option to unmute it. But if you click the ad, you will land on the video page and see it as a regular video with sound.

Masthead ad’s mobile version doesn’t have an information panel. But you can leverage title, description, and a call-to-action (CTA).

How will I get charged?

Since Masthead ads are only available for reservation, you will be charged on a cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) basis; you will pay per one thousand views (impressions).

Ad Specification

  • Platform: Desktop and Mobile
  • Supported File format: AVI, MP4, MPEG, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 1920 x 1080 or higher
  • Frame: 24 or below FPS
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9
  • Length: 30 seconds (max)
  • File size: No limit

When does your ad appear?

The ad appears on:

  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • TV Screens

When do you need this type of ad?

The most significant advantage of Masthead ads is that you can reach a broad audience, but it won't be a targeted approach. It's more like a broadcast advertisement where you will reach everyone, not just the target audience. Therefore, big brands favor this ad to launch new products or services or to reach a massive audience in a short amount of time.


10. TrueView Ads

Do you see the "TrueView" term pop up a lot when it comes to YouTube ads?

TrueView is a YouTube video ad format available for in-stream ads (only skippable ads) or video discovery ads.

Let's say my goal is to generate sales from YouTube video ads. I will select the "Sales" and "Video" options from the campaign (more on that later).

The above selection will give you only one option, i.e., to drive conversion (and it includes TrueView Ad format).

If you click “learn more,” a pop-up box will appear explaining how a TrueView is an ideal choice to drive action:

Again if I click continue, I will redirect to campaign settings where I can optimize my ad with various features like demographics, keywords, and topics.

TrueView ad format enables you to choose how and when to present your ad on YouTube. The targeting features minimize the waste of uninterested views.

Imagine watching a video about real estate and coming across an ad about the latest data science course. These two videos don’t have any matches. That’s why TrueView settings ensure your ads reach the audience with the behaviors and qualities aligning well with your target market.

Cutting to the chase, TrueView puts relevant ads in front of the right customers.

How will I get charged?

If you choose in-stream ads, you will be charged as per the skippable ads bidding model (i.e., CPV, Target CPM, and Target CPA). And if you choose discovery ads, you will pay on a cost-per-view basis.

Ad Specification

Same as the in-stream skippable ads or TrueView discovery ads.

When does your ad appear?

The ad appears on:

  • Videos across YouTube
  • Video publisher sites and games
  • Apps on the Display Network

(Note: Please refer to skippable ads or discovery ads section for more information on format)

When do you need this type of ad?

This ad format is ideal for driving traffic to your website and is an appropriate match for direct response and lead generation campaigns.

11. Companion Banner Ads

Companion banner ads are clickable thumbnail images showing up next to your video ads in the top right corner.

As seen in the example below, an in-stream skippable video ad is playing accompanied by the companion banner on the right corner of the display.

The companion banner remains there as long as viewers stay on the same page. It stays there even if the user skips the ad or your ad is finished being played. People can click the ad at any time and will redirect to your website or any other URL you set up.

Companion banner ads are similar to display ads. The exciting thing is you can use display ads for free if you use them as companion banners combined with other video ads, including skippable in-stream ads, non-skippable in-stream ads, and bumper ads.

How will I get charged?

A click on a companion banner still counts as a view, and you will pay per click.

Ad Specification

  • Dimension: 300 x 250 pixels or 300 x 60 pixels
  • Supported Format: Static GIF, PNG, JPG
  • File size: 150 KB

(Note: If you don’t have any assets to use in a companion banner, you can let AdWords pick some video recommendations from your YouTube channel as a companion banner. That’s right. Videos are allowed as companion banners.)

When does your ad appear?

They appear only on desktops

Who needs this type of ad?

Companion banners are a great option to expand your video’s reach and boost some metrics. If you want to drive more video views or higher engagement on your YouTube channel, let AdWords choose a companion banner for you.

11. Video Ad Sequencing

A video ad sequence is a series of video ads. Each sequence campaign contains a group of ads that play step by step.

For example, the below-given ad is the first ad in the sequence, starting with a brief video to trigger curiosity with action or conflict.

Then the ad moves to the second, longer video ad in the sequence with more information amplifying engagement.

Last and the third ad ends with a shorter video urging viewers of the story to act.

Most ad sequence settings—such as bidding, targeting, ad format, etc.—are given within the campaign setup. Viewers will see your ad sequence in the same order that you have specified.

Video ad sequencing supports the five ad formats:

  • Skippable in-stream ads
  • Non-skippable in-stream ads
  • Bumper ads
  • Or a combination of the above

Note: The bidding strategy you choose will decide the ad format you can use.

Video ad sequence gives you four templates to choose from:

  1. Introduce & reinforce: Promote your brand with a long video ad, followed by a short video ad to strengthen your message.
  2. Prompt & inspire: Provoke viewers with a brief video ad, then motivate them with a long video ad.
  3. Attract & direct: Use a short video ad to attract viewers. Influencer them more with a long video ad. Finally, drive them to action through another short video ad.
  4. Engage & differentiate: Divide your brand’s story into multiple parts and tell them four short video ads.

How will I be charged?

Google recommends using the Target CPM model—pay per one thousand views (impressions)—to show your entire ad sequence to your audience. It will increase your sequence completion rate. Or Maximum CPV (your pay either be equal to or below your bid) bidding model is also preferable if you want to spend on a maximum pay-per-view basis.

Ad Specification

Ad specification will be according to the ad format you choose.

Where does your ad appear?

It depends upon which ad format you choose.

Who needs this type of ad?

Video ad sequencing allows you to tell your brand’s story to customers throughout their purchase journey. So you can use it to raise brand awareness, increase ad recall, or drive purchase intent.

And here we come to an end of the different YouTube advertising formats.

Now let’s go through how to set up your first video ad campaign.

How to Set & Launch a YouTube Video Advertising Campaign?

If you haven’t created your video or image, you must create one before setting up your ad campaign.

For inspiration, take a look at the YouTube ads leaderboard. Each month, YouTube curates the best ads from all over the world.

Once you create the video, the first step is to upload it.

Step 1: Upload Your Video Ad

Log into your YouTube account.

Upload Video

Click the small camcorder icon located at the top-right corner of YouTube. Then, click ‘Upload Video.’

Select Video File

You’ll arrive at the “upload videos” window, where you select the video file to upload.

Fill In Details

When you upload the video successfully, you will be asked to fulfill necessary information like title, description, thumbnail, and other details.

Once you enter all the details, you're ready to set up your advertising campaign.

Step 2: Create a New Campaign

First, go to your Google Ads account.

Create New Campaign

Log into your account. Click "Campaigns" in the left-hand sidebar. Then click the blue "+" icon and select "New Campaign."

The click will take you to another page where you select the campaign goal.

Select Campaign Goals

Currently, Google offers eight goals options to choose from:

  1. Sales
  2. Leads
  3. Website Traffic
  4. Product and Brand Consideration
  5. Brand Awareness and Reach
  6. App Promotion
  7. Local Store Visits and Promotions
  8. Create a Campaign without a Goal’s Guidance

Pick a single goal corresponding to the target you want to achieve through this ad campaign.

Here I select brand awareness and reach, which opens up another box with campaign types.

Choose Campaign Type

It gives you two options to pick from:

  1. Display: Run your ads across the web
  2. Video: Reach and engage viewers on YouTube and across the web

Since we are focusing on video ad campaigns, I clicked on the video option. Again the selection opens up another box with campaign subtypes.

Choose Campaign Subtypes:

Campaign subtypes give you different ad formats to choose from depending on your goal and ad type.

Here we get five ad formats to choose from:

  1. Skippable in-stream
  2. Bumper
  3. Non-skippable in-stream
  4. Outstream
  5. Ad sequence

Considering our example is increasing brand reach, I selected the “skippable in-stream” option to achieve my goal. Then click continue and move to the general settings page.

Step 3: Create a New Campaign

General settings let you configure your campaign using the necessary details.

Name Your Ad Campaign

First, you choose your campaign’s name. The name is for internal purposes only, so you can pick a name that defines your campaign. It will help you identify your campaign quickly when you set multiple campaigns at a time.

Choose Your Bid Strategy

Generally, each campaign offers several bidding strategies. You have to choose the one as per your needs. In our case, there’s only one bidding strategy available, i.e., Target CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions). It means we will pay for every thousand times our ad is displayed.

Enter Your Budget

Here you get two options:

  1. Daily: the average amount you want to pay per day.
  2. Campaign Total: the total amount you are willing to spend for the campaign's duration, given that your campaign has an end date.

Set Your Start and End Date

Enter your start date, and pick an end date (only if you intend to end the campaign after a certain period).

Choose Your Networks

Pick up the places where you want your ads to show. You have three options:

  • YouTube search results: Ads will appear along with YouTube search results. (This option is available for responsive and video discovery ad types only.)
  • YouTube videos: Ads will show up on YouTube videos, YouTube homepage, and channel pages.

Video partners on the display network: Your ads will also play on Google’s other advertising avenues.

In our example, we’re leaving the selection as it is.

Choose Your Language and Location

Select the country and language you want to present your ad in.

Select an Inventory Type

This segment allows you to display your ads on content that aligns with your brand.

For example, if you’re in the real estate business, you don’t want your ads to be displayed alongside children’s videos. Inventory type ensures your ads merge well with the content.

Opt-out of Content

This segment allows you to eliminate individual-sensitive content categories, such as “Most audiences with parental guidance.”

Once you complete this step, you will reach your favorite section—defining your targeted audience.

Step 4: Select Your Target Audience

Before you start targeting your audience, give a descriptive name to your ad group. This will enable you to select the same audience for future ad campaigns.

Choose Your Demographic

This is the first step of refining your target audience. Demographics allow you to describe your audience by mentioning their gender, age, parental status, and other details.

Zoom in Your Target Audience

This section gives you many options to hone in on your target audience with questions like who they are and their habits search-relevant. It’s worth being as specific as possible and probing in.

Step 5: Choose Specific Content and Ad Placements

Next, you jump to select the specific content and the place where you want to display your ads.

Enter Your Target Keywords

Type in your targeted keywords into the box. Use one word or phrase per line.

Use the “Get keyword ideas” tool on the right to search-relevant keywords.

Choose Topics

Tick mark relevant topics to display your ads with content on specific subjects.

Select Your Ad Placements

Here you can pick specific places where you want to show your ads.

If you leave it blank, your ad will show up on any YouTube or Display Network placements matching your targeting choices.

Step 6: Insert Your Advertisement Video

Finally comes the part where you select your ad video. You can either search it from the search bar or paste the video URL. If you haven’t yet uploaded your ad video, click the “upload your video” link.

Once your video appears in the search, click it to select.

Step 7: Configure Your YouTube Video Ad

At last, you need to configure your video ad with URLs, CTA, and an image.

Our example gives us by-default skippable in-stream ad format as the only option. Remember, in-stream video ads offer a companion banner. So, in our case, we can upload an image or let Ads automatically take videos from our YouTube channel and turn them into companion banners.

When you set all the details, click “Create Campaign.”

Congratulations, you created your first YouTube ad campaign!

The future of YouTube ads is even brighter than before as it lets businesses target users based on their search behaviors. YouTube advertising is more interactive than Google ads because it incorporates visuals and audio, triggering multiple senses and emotions.

Stay tuned for more on making great video ads to upscale your marketing campaigns.


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August 9, 2022

32 Minutes Read

The Complete Guide To Real Estate YouTube Advertising in 2022

So you want to create a video of your product or service and want the entire world to see it?

And what's a better platform than the king of videos, YouTube, to increase its reach?

YouTube has approximately two billion monthly visitors watching 250 million hours of video per day on TV screens.

It's not surprising that YouTube is the favored choice for many businesses to advertise.

Now let's be upfront: with various YouTube ad formats, the platform may sound a little daunting at first.

But don't worry…

You don't need a YouTube video ad course to learn how to create ads and generate revenue.

In this article, we'll walk you through:

  • ✅ What is YouTube advertising?
  • ✅ Different types of YouTube ads available
  • ✅ How do various ads work?
  • ✅ Which ads are suitable for your business?
  • ✅ How to set up and configure your first YouTube advertising campaign.

Be confident that spending a little time learning the basics will build a strong foundation for better ROI later.

What is YouTube Advertising?

YouTube advertising is about advertising video or non-video content on YouTube to increase your brand’s awareness, building an engaged audience, and generating leads. The ad can be a video playing before a user watches another video, a video ad shows up on YouTube search results, or a banner ad appears during the video.

How much does YouTube advertising cost?

First of all, it's important to notice how you are paying for your ad. If viewers watch your entire ad, you will pay for views. Or, if they click on your ad, you will pay for the click. Payment depends upon the type of ad you create.

Generally, YouTube video ads cost around $0.10 to $0.30 per click. It's not a standard price, but the common rate marketers pay for YouTube advertisements.

The cost will differ based upon a few factors, including:

  • Ad Format
  • Bidding
  • Budget
  • Goals

Suppose you choose YouTube Discovery ads costing around $0.30 per click. You enter the maximum bid to be $0.35 per click, and a competitor's bid is only $0.25 per click. You will pay no more than $0.26 per click, and it's still within your $0.35 maximum bid.

Most YouTube advertisers start with a minimum of $10 per day and adjust the amount as they progress on what works and what doesn't. Or you can also go for the total amount you want to pay for the entire campaign (until your campaign is live).

Note: It's necessary to set a maximum amount you can afford if you don't want to run out of campaign budget.

Types of YouTube Ads

Before setting up your first campaign, it’s essential to understand the ins and outs of each YouTube ad type. That way, you can customize your ad for the goal you want to achieve.

Without further ado, let’s break down each ad type.

YouTube Video Ads

Skippable In-Stream Video Ads

Skippable in-stream ads are the video ads that play before or during, or after the main video (a.k.a. “pre-roll” or “mid-roll” or “post-roll”). Its prime feature is once viewers watch five seconds of the ad, they get the option to skip the ad or continue watching.

For instance, have a look at the below-given image of a skippable in-stream ad. The right side shows a 5-second countdown, after which you can skip the ad.  On the left, it shows how long the ad is (1:26 seconds, in this case).

At the same time, a sign-up CTA of the same ad appears at the top right corner of the display as a companion banner. A video overlay is also showing up in the bottom left. The companion banner stays there even if the viewer skips the ad.

How will I be charged?

Skippable in-stream video ads

  1. CPV (cost-per-view) bidding where you pay per view. With skippable ads, you only pay when a person watches the first 30 seconds (or the entire ad if it's shorter than 30 seconds) or if they interact with the ad by clicking on a call-to-action. Whatever comes first. It means you don't have to pay for anyone who views your ad for less than 30 seconds and skips it without interacting.
  2. Target CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions) bidding where you pay per one thousand views (impressions) on ads. Here you specify the average amount you want to spend for every thousand times your ad is presented.
  3. Target CPA (cost-per-action or maximize conversion) bidding where you only pay when the ad achieves conversions. You can decide what a conversion is. It can be acquiring email addresses or a sale.

Where does your ad appear?

Skippable in-stream video ads

  • YouTube watch pages - the current YouTube video page a person is watching
  • Across websites
  • Apps running on Google video partners like game consoles

Ad Specifications

  • Supported file format: AVI, MP4, MPEG, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels or 480 x 360 pixels
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
  • File size: 1 GB (max)
  • Length: 12 seconds to 3 minutes (recommended)

Note: There’s no limit to skippable video ad length.

When do you need this type of ad?

Skippable video ads are best to generate leads, boost sales or increase brand exposure. Let's say you are launching a webinar and want your targeted audience to sign up for it. You can create a skippable video with a link to your sign-up page. Make sure you specify your targeted audience. This way, the ad will show up to your targeted audience. Those who are not interested will skip the ad before 30 seconds. So you don't have to pay for wasted views.

You can also use this type of ad to drive more subscribers to your YouTube channel.

2. Non-skippable In-stream Video Ads

Since reports show that 76% of people skip the ads as their second nature, some marketers go for ads with a skip button called non-skippable in-stream video ads.

Non-skippable ads, as the name suggests, are short video ads playing before, during, or after the main video. Unlike skippable videos, viewers don't have the "skip ad" option here. These ads run for a short duration, around 15-20 seconds, enabling you to deliver your entire message. They are similar to advertisements you watch on television.

Of course, non-skippable ads indicate maximum customers watching your video. But this also implies that you will pay for everyone who is or isn’t interested in your ad. As an advertiser, it’s your responsibility to create engaging, relevant content leaving a positive impression of your brand on viewers.

How will I be charged?

Non-skippable ads follow the target CPM (cost per thousand impressions) bidding method. It allows you to set the amount you are willing to pay for every thousand times your ad shows up.

Ad Specification

  • Supported file format: AVI, MP4, MPEG, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels or 480 x 360 pixels
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
  • File size: 1 GB (max)
  • Length: 15 secs (min), 20 secs (max)

When does your ad appear?

Non-skippable ads appear on:

  • YouTube videos
  • Video partner sites and apps on the Google display network.
  • Desktop, mobile devices, TV, and game consoles

When do you need this type of ad?

As viewers can’t skip the ad, you can use it to increase brand awareness and reach. Also, since the ads are short, it makes it easier for viewers to see the entire video.

3. Bumper Ads

Bumper ads are 6-second (or shorter), non-skippable video ads playing before, during, or after the main YouTube video. Viewers can’t skip this ad. Again, it means you will pay for each view.

If a six-second video sounds too short to create an influence, think again.

“Google analyzed 300 bumper ad campaigns and found that 9 out of 10 steered a huge lift in ad recall.”

Source: Think with Google

You can run bumper ads as standalone campaigns, but Google advises combining them with TrueView Ads (i.e., with skippable ads and discovery ads) to make them more fruitful. For instance, run skippable ads for first-time viewers and then run bumper ads for the same viewers to increase frequency.

How will I be charged?

Similar to non-skippable ads, bumper ads use Target CPM bidding. So you will pay per 1,000 impressions.

Ad Specification

  • Supported File format: AVI, MP4, MPEG, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels or 480 x 360 pixels
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
  • File size: 1 GB (max)
  • Length: 16 secs (max)

When does your ad appear?

Bumper ads appear on:

  • YouTube videos
  • Across Google video partners’ websites and apps
  • Desktop, mobile devices, TV, and game consoles

When do you need this type of ad?

Since you are paying for every view and have only 6-seconds to allure viewers, you can use this type of ad to reach a wider audience with a concise yet unforgettable message. Bumper ads are also an excellent option for various brand awareness efforts like event promotion or brand reach.

4. Video Discovery Ads (Previously Named as In-Display Ads)

Video discovery ads (popularly known as TrueView Discovery Ads) are ads showing up as a thumbnail with title and description on the YouTube search results pages or along with related videos. They look like regular videos and appear after searching on YouTube.

For example, Laricy Social has a 47-second discovery ad that appears at the top when users type relevant keywords:

When interested viewers click on the ad, they land on your video page or YouTube channel.

Where in-stream ads run like a traditional TV commercial, discovery ads are similar to those on Google’s search results pages.

The fundamental difference between discovery ads and organic YouTube results is the tiny “ad” tag accompanying each ad. So if your discovery ads blend well with the organic results, people can click it instead.

How will I get charged?

Discovery ads follow the cost-per-view bidding model where you only pay when visitors click on your discovery ad thumbnail.

Ad Specification

  • Platform: Desktop and mobile
  • Supported file format: MP4, MPEG, AVI, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels or 480 x 360 pixels (recommended)
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
  • File size: 1 GB (max)

When does your ad appear?

Video discovery ads appear on:

  • YouTube search results
  • Alongside relevant YouTube videos on watch pages
  • YouTube mobile homepage
  • YouTube Mobile Search Page
  • YouTube Mobile watch pages

When do you need this type of ad?

Discovery ads are helpful to promote YouTube videos at the top of search results. It not only drives more views on your videos but also boosts the traffic to your YouTube channel. The ads are particularly beneficial to rank your videos on the top and stay ahead of your competitors. But of course, you can only promote your videos. No link to your website or anything else.

5. Outstream ads

Outstream videos are mobile-only, appearing outside of YouTube—on partner sites and apps—playing either in an app or within the page's content. They play automatically on mute when they show up on the screen. Viewers can unmute them by clicking on the speaker icon.

Outstream ads are created especially for mobiles and tablets. So, users have the freedom to watch your ad. They can quickly scroll past your ad to continue with the app content.

How will I get charged?

Outstream ads offer a viewable cost-per-thousand-impressions (vCPM) model. It means you’ll only pay if your ad is viewed. An ad counts as “viewed” when someone watches your video play for two seconds or more.

Ad Specification

  • Platform: Mobile and tablets
  • Supported file format: MP4, MPEG, AVI, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels or 480 x 360 pixels (recommended)
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS
  • Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
  • File size: 1 GB (max)

Specification for logo image:

  • Supported Format: JPG, GIF, or PNG
  • Aspect ratio: 200 x 200 pixels (square with transparent background recommended)

When does your ad appear?

Outstream ads appear on:

  • Google video partner apps
  • Mobile websites
  • Tablet devices

When do you need this type of ad?

These ads are helpful to raise brand awareness by getting your videos in front of people using handy devices like smartphones and tablets.

Non-Video Ads

6. Display Ads

YouTube also provides non-video ads for brands that don’t want to fork over a massive amount of money. The first one is display ads.

Display ads are desktop-only ads that appear as images or animation on the top right corner of the screen while a YouTube video is playing. Or, if you are playing videos on a larger screen, this ad type might show up below the video. It always appears on top of the recommended videos.

This ad consists of an image, text, and a clickable button. You can link this ad to your YouTube channel or a website.

Unlike video ads, there’s no time limit for the display ad. It remains there as long as the viewers watch the video.

How will I get charged?

Display ads charge you on a cost-per-click basis. This means you will pay only when someone clicks the ad.

Ad Specification

Image Dimensions:

  • 300 X 250 pixels
  • 300 x 60 pixels (YouTube Reserve companions)
  • 300 x 600 pixels (Zagat only)

Supported Formats: GIF, JPG, PNG

File Size: 150KB (max)

Animation Time Limit: 30 secs (max)

Audio: no sound support

Border: partly black or white backgrounds must have a border with contrasting colors

When does your ad appear?

Display ads appear on:

  • Various Google properties
  • All parts of the YouTube site except the Homepage
  • All parts of the Zagat site as top and bottom unit

Who needs this type of ad?

Since it’s a regular banner ad, you can use display ads for different goals like lead generation, sales increase, brand exposure, etc.

7. Overlay ads

Overlay ads are desktop-only image or text-based ads that pop up on the lower 20% portion of the currently playing YouTube video. They serve as a banner ad. You can also choose a semi-transparent overlay ad or an animation ad format.

Overlay ads sound similar to display ads, but of course, they appear on top of the video instead of taking a corner. Therefore, it attracts more attention from viewers. At the same time, the attention can be positive or negative as viewers can close this ad if they find it disturbing their watching experience.

If viewers click the ad, they will redirect to the destination URL.

How will I get charged?

You pay on the cost-per-click basis for this ad, i.e., you only pay when viewers click the overlay ad.

Ad Specification

  • Image Dimension: 300 X 250 pixels
  • File type: static GIF, PNG, JPG
  • File size: 150KB
  • Animation Time Limit: 30 secs (max)

When does your ad appear?

The ad appears only on the desktop as an overlay on the bottom of the YouTube video.

Who needs this type of ad?

Overlay ads, like banner ads, are ideal for product promotion instead of sharing bits of content. So you can use them to generate leads, sales, and brand exposure.

8. Sponsored Cards

Sponsored Cards are YouTube's ad feature presented as product cards relevant to the video a user is watching. First, the sponsored card appears as a quick "teaser.” After a few seconds, a card icon with a small 'i' symbol replaces the teaser. The icon sits at the upper right-hand corner throughout the entire video. It gives users the choice to click and expand the cards for more information about the sponsored content.

Let’s say I’d love to know more about the real estate industry. When I hover my mouse over the icon and click on the little ‘i’, sponsored cards would pop up, directing me to videos to receive more information from experts.

Sponsored cards lets you offer relevant products or videos in a user-friendly sidebar. There you have a better opportunity to engage users and encourage them to explore the product or service without disturbing their video experience.

Additionally, by giving users one-click access to your product or service, you minimize the chance of losing them during the buying process, making it faster and simpler to make a purchase.

How will I get charged?

You will be charged as per cost-per-view (CPV) model, where you pay for video views or interactions like click to sponsored cards.

Ad Specification

  • Platform: Desktop and mobile devices
  • Media: image
  • Format: JPG, PNG, GIF
  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1
  • Length: 15 or 20 seconds
  • File Size: 2MB max

When does your ad appear?

They appear on:

  • Desktop when a video is played
  • Desktop Search results
  • YouTube’s mobile homepage
  • Mobile search results

Who needs this type of ad?

Sponsored cards are a great way to promote the products, services, videos, or even a video playlist within a video. They are most beneficial when submitted with your videos because you can then use them to promote your product or services.

Premium Ads

9. Masthead ads

YouTube masthead ads are the ads displayed at the top of the YouTube home feed, both on desktop and mobile. These ads are usually booked by one advertiser per country per day. That’s why we named it a premium type of YouTube video ad.

Masthead ads autoplay the featured video without the sound. Viewers can click the mute icon to hear the video sound. Once the autoplay finishes, the primary video takes the form of a thumbnail. If the viewers click on the video or the thumbnail, they redirect to the YouTube watch page where the same video plays again.

The Masthead ad contains an information panel to the right side that automatically picks up assets from your channel, as seen in the above image. Alternatively, you can add up to 2 companion videos to this panel.

Note: Masthead ad doesn’t allow a CTA on TV screens.

In YouTube mobile, Masthead ads autoplay the featured video without the sound for the entire duration. You don’t have the option to unmute it. But if you click the ad, you will land on the video page and see it as a regular video with sound.

Masthead ad’s mobile version doesn’t have an information panel. But you can leverage title, description, and a call-to-action (CTA).

How will I get charged?

Since Masthead ads are only available for reservation, you will be charged on a cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) basis; you will pay per one thousand views (impressions).

Ad Specification

  • Platform: Desktop and Mobile
  • Supported File format: AVI, MP4, MPEG, Windows Media, ASF, Quicktime
  • Resolution: 1920 x 1080 or higher
  • Frame: 24 or below FPS
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9
  • Length: 30 seconds (max)
  • File size: No limit

When does your ad appear?

The ad appears on:

  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • TV Screens

When do you need this type of ad?

The most significant advantage of Masthead ads is that you can reach a broad audience, but it won't be a targeted approach. It's more like a broadcast advertisement where you will reach everyone, not just the target audience. Therefore, big brands favor this ad to launch new products or services or to reach a massive audience in a short amount of time.


10. TrueView Ads

Do you see the "TrueView" term pop up a lot when it comes to YouTube ads?

TrueView is a YouTube video ad format available for in-stream ads (only skippable ads) or video discovery ads.

Let's say my goal is to generate sales from YouTube video ads. I will select the "Sales" and "Video" options from the campaign (more on that later).

The above selection will give you only one option, i.e., to drive conversion (and it includes TrueView Ad format).

If you click “learn more,” a pop-up box will appear explaining how a TrueView is an ideal choice to drive action:

Again if I click continue, I will redirect to campaign settings where I can optimize my ad with various features like demographics, keywords, and topics.

TrueView ad format enables you to choose how and when to present your ad on YouTube. The targeting features minimize the waste of uninterested views.

Imagine watching a video about real estate and coming across an ad about the latest data science course. These two videos don’t have any matches. That’s why TrueView settings ensure your ads reach the audience with the behaviors and qualities aligning well with your target market.

Cutting to the chase, TrueView puts relevant ads in front of the right customers.

How will I get charged?

If you choose in-stream ads, you will be charged as per the skippable ads bidding model (i.e., CPV, Target CPM, and Target CPA). And if you choose discovery ads, you will pay on a cost-per-view basis.

Ad Specification

Same as the in-stream skippable ads or TrueView discovery ads.

When does your ad appear?

The ad appears on:

  • Videos across YouTube
  • Video publisher sites and games
  • Apps on the Display Network

(Note: Please refer to skippable ads or discovery ads section for more information on format)

When do you need this type of ad?

This ad format is ideal for driving traffic to your website and is an appropriate match for direct response and lead generation campaigns.

11. Companion Banner Ads

Companion banner ads are clickable thumbnail images showing up next to your video ads in the top right corner.

As seen in the example below, an in-stream skippable video ad is playing accompanied by the companion banner on the right corner of the display.

The companion banner remains there as long as viewers stay on the same page. It stays there even if the user skips the ad or your ad is finished being played. People can click the ad at any time and will redirect to your website or any other URL you set up.

Companion banner ads are similar to display ads. The exciting thing is you can use display ads for free if you use them as companion banners combined with other video ads, including skippable in-stream ads, non-skippable in-stream ads, and bumper ads.

How will I get charged?

A click on a companion banner still counts as a view, and you will pay per click.

Ad Specification

  • Dimension: 300 x 250 pixels or 300 x 60 pixels
  • Supported Format: Static GIF, PNG, JPG
  • File size: 150 KB

(Note: If you don’t have any assets to use in a companion banner, you can let AdWords pick some video recommendations from your YouTube channel as a companion banner. That’s right. Videos are allowed as companion banners.)

When does your ad appear?

They appear only on desktops

Who needs this type of ad?

Companion banners are a great option to expand your video’s reach and boost some metrics. If you want to drive more video views or higher engagement on your YouTube channel, let AdWords choose a companion banner for you.

11. Video Ad Sequencing

A video ad sequence is a series of video ads. Each sequence campaign contains a group of ads that play step by step.

For example, the below-given ad is the first ad in the sequence, starting with a brief video to trigger curiosity with action or conflict.

Then the ad moves to the second, longer video ad in the sequence with more information amplifying engagement.

Last and the third ad ends with a shorter video urging viewers of the story to act.

Most ad sequence settings—such as bidding, targeting, ad format, etc.—are given within the campaign setup. Viewers will see your ad sequence in the same order that you have specified.

Video ad sequencing supports the five ad formats:

  • Skippable in-stream ads
  • Non-skippable in-stream ads
  • Bumper ads
  • Or a combination of the above

Note: The bidding strategy you choose will decide the ad format you can use.

Video ad sequence gives you four templates to choose from:

  1. Introduce & reinforce: Promote your brand with a long video ad, followed by a short video ad to strengthen your message.
  2. Prompt & inspire: Provoke viewers with a brief video ad, then motivate them with a long video ad.
  3. Attract & direct: Use a short video ad to attract viewers. Influencer them more with a long video ad. Finally, drive them to action through another short video ad.
  4. Engage & differentiate: Divide your brand’s story into multiple parts and tell them four short video ads.

How will I be charged?

Google recommends using the Target CPM model—pay per one thousand views (impressions)—to show your entire ad sequence to your audience. It will increase your sequence completion rate. Or Maximum CPV (your pay either be equal to or below your bid) bidding model is also preferable if you want to spend on a maximum pay-per-view basis.

Ad Specification

Ad specification will be according to the ad format you choose.

Where does your ad appear?

It depends upon which ad format you choose.

Who needs this type of ad?

Video ad sequencing allows you to tell your brand’s story to customers throughout their purchase journey. So you can use it to raise brand awareness, increase ad recall, or drive purchase intent.

And here we come to an end of the different YouTube advertising formats.

Now let’s go through how to set up your first video ad campaign.

How to Set & Launch a YouTube Video Advertising Campaign?

If you haven’t created your video or image, you must create one before setting up your ad campaign.

For inspiration, take a look at the YouTube ads leaderboard. Each month, YouTube curates the best ads from all over the world.

Once you create the video, the first step is to upload it.

Step 1: Upload Your Video Ad

Log into your YouTube account.

Upload Video

Click the small camcorder icon located at the top-right corner of YouTube. Then, click ‘Upload Video.’

Select Video File

You’ll arrive at the “upload videos” window, where you select the video file to upload.

Fill In Details

When you upload the video successfully, you will be asked to fulfill necessary information like title, description, thumbnail, and other details.

Once you enter all the details, you're ready to set up your advertising campaign.

Step 2: Create a New Campaign

First, go to your Google Ads account.

Create New Campaign

Log into your account. Click "Campaigns" in the left-hand sidebar. Then click the blue "+" icon and select "New Campaign."

The click will take you to another page where you select the campaign goal.

Select Campaign Goals

Currently, Google offers eight goals options to choose from:

  1. Sales
  2. Leads
  3. Website Traffic
  4. Product and Brand Consideration
  5. Brand Awareness and Reach
  6. App Promotion
  7. Local Store Visits and Promotions
  8. Create a Campaign without a Goal’s Guidance

Pick a single goal corresponding to the target you want to achieve through this ad campaign.

Here I select brand awareness and reach, which opens up another box with campaign types.

Choose Campaign Type

It gives you two options to pick from:

  1. Display: Run your ads across the web
  2. Video: Reach and engage viewers on YouTube and across the web

Since we are focusing on video ad campaigns, I clicked on the video option. Again the selection opens up another box with campaign subtypes.

Choose Campaign Subtypes:

Campaign subtypes give you different ad formats to choose from depending on your goal and ad type.

Here we get five ad formats to choose from:

  1. Skippable in-stream
  2. Bumper
  3. Non-skippable in-stream
  4. Outstream
  5. Ad sequence

Considering our example is increasing brand reach, I selected the “skippable in-stream” option to achieve my goal. Then click continue and move to the general settings page.

Step 3: Create a New Campaign

General settings let you configure your campaign using the necessary details.

Name Your Ad Campaign

First, you choose your campaign’s name. The name is for internal purposes only, so you can pick a name that defines your campaign. It will help you identify your campaign quickly when you set multiple campaigns at a time.

Choose Your Bid Strategy

Generally, each campaign offers several bidding strategies. You have to choose the one as per your needs. In our case, there’s only one bidding strategy available, i.e., Target CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions). It means we will pay for every thousand times our ad is displayed.

Enter Your Budget

Here you get two options:

  1. Daily: the average amount you want to pay per day.
  2. Campaign Total: the total amount you are willing to spend for the campaign's duration, given that your campaign has an end date.

Set Your Start and End Date

Enter your start date, and pick an end date (only if you intend to end the campaign after a certain period).

Choose Your Networks

Pick up the places where you want your ads to show. You have three options:

  • YouTube search results: Ads will appear along with YouTube search results. (This option is available for responsive and video discovery ad types only.)
  • YouTube videos: Ads will show up on YouTube videos, YouTube homepage, and channel pages.

Video partners on the display network: Your ads will also play on Google’s other advertising avenues.

In our example, we’re leaving the selection as it is.

Choose Your Language and Location

Select the country and language you want to present your ad in.

Select an Inventory Type

This segment allows you to display your ads on content that aligns with your brand.

For example, if you’re in the real estate business, you don’t want your ads to be displayed alongside children’s videos. Inventory type ensures your ads merge well with the content.

Opt-out of Content

This segment allows you to eliminate individual-sensitive content categories, such as “Most audiences with parental guidance.”

Once you complete this step, you will reach your favorite section—defining your targeted audience.

Step 4: Select Your Target Audience

Before you start targeting your audience, give a descriptive name to your ad group. This will enable you to select the same audience for future ad campaigns.

Choose Your Demographic

This is the first step of refining your target audience. Demographics allow you to describe your audience by mentioning their gender, age, parental status, and other details.

Zoom in Your Target Audience

This section gives you many options to hone in on your target audience with questions like who they are and their habits search-relevant. It’s worth being as specific as possible and probing in.

Step 5: Choose Specific Content and Ad Placements

Next, you jump to select the specific content and the place where you want to display your ads.

Enter Your Target Keywords

Type in your targeted keywords into the box. Use one word or phrase per line.

Use the “Get keyword ideas” tool on the right to search-relevant keywords.

Choose Topics

Tick mark relevant topics to display your ads with content on specific subjects.

Select Your Ad Placements

Here you can pick specific places where you want to show your ads.

If you leave it blank, your ad will show up on any YouTube or Display Network placements matching your targeting choices.

Step 6: Insert Your Advertisement Video

Finally comes the part where you select your ad video. You can either search it from the search bar or paste the video URL. If you haven’t yet uploaded your ad video, click the “upload your video” link.

Once your video appears in the search, click it to select.

Step 7: Configure Your YouTube Video Ad

At last, you need to configure your video ad with URLs, CTA, and an image.

Our example gives us by-default skippable in-stream ad format as the only option. Remember, in-stream video ads offer a companion banner. So, in our case, we can upload an image or let Ads automatically take videos from our YouTube channel and turn them into companion banners.

When you set all the details, click “Create Campaign.”

Congratulations, you created your first YouTube ad campaign!

The future of YouTube ads is even brighter than before as it lets businesses target users based on their search behaviors. YouTube advertising is more interactive than Google ads because it incorporates visuals and audio, triggering multiple senses and emotions.

Stay tuned for more on making great video ads to upscale your marketing campaigns.

Key Takeaways

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